AWS Elemental MediaTailor is a service that offers linear channel assembly and personalized ad-insertion.

Datazoom and AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Server-side ad insertion offers many benefits for controlling the quality and personalizing the user experience to improve monetization. However, serving ads from the server-side creates challenges for measurement services, such as impression tracking. Further, publishers have a more difficult time analyzing the impact of advertising on their audience, content consumption and data relevant for revenue analysis. 

Datazoom and AWS Elemental MediaTailor have formed a partnership that enables ad timing data to be exposed to the client-side, as well as pre-integrating and certifying with the IAB’s OM SDK and Google’s PAL SDK. 

Using Datazoom’s SDK can unlock the following benefits for AWS Elemental MediaTailor customers:

Increase Revenue

Increase revenue through using an SDK that pre-integrates with both the Google PAL SDK, and the IAB OM SDK.

Save Time, Reduce Costs

Save time, resource and membership costs that go towards integrating and certifying with the IAB. The IAB OMSDK has annual certification costs that range between

Apply Across The Business

The same SDK can be used to collect events and metadata from apps, sites and video players for internal analytics to understand:

Ad Tracking & Monetization
Quality of Experience (QoE)
End-to-End Observability
Audience & Content Consumption
End-user Journey Tracking

Reduce SDK Complexity

Datazoom can be used to intermediate 3rd Party Measurement services which allow you to reduce the number of SDKs on your page, and align your internal analytics with data received by Measurement companies.


Increase revenue, save time, intermediate data collection, and reduce complexity by using a single SDK that pre-integrates with both Google PAL SDK and the IAB OM SDK.

Datazoom and AWS Elemental MediaTailor have formed a partnership that enables ad timing data to be exposed to the client-side, as well as pre-integrating and certifying with the IAB’s OM SDK and Google’s PAL SDK.

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