How Datazoom Enables You To Track The End-User Journey

To truly understand user experience, you need a comprehensive, standardized data set that can be visualized, analyzed and stored in your tools of choice. But collected data should be centralized within a single platform and routed as needed to ensure that the data remains synchronized, accurate, and up-to-date across platforms and teams to reduce inconsistencies, reduce cost and simplify workflows.

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The Datazoom DaaS platform delivers the data you need, to the tools you use, to better understand your end-users and improve the viewer experience.

Follow The Breadcrumbs, Find The Revenue

Without a comprehensive data set, you can’t understand the end to end user experience across different platforms, content, sessions, and business systems but lack of standardization and siloed data makes accessing the information you need challenging, time consuming and costly. User focused organizations centralize and standardize data collection and route it to their preferred downstream visualization and analysis tools to keep data synchronized, accurate, consistent and up-to-date across platforms and teams.

Advertising Sales and Ad Operations

Gain a deeper understanding of user interactions across media player engagements, app usage and ad results. Uncover the true impact of ad strategies, optimize monetization efforts to elevate your advertising sales and operations.

Engineering and Network Operations

Say goodbye to multiple SDKs and disjointed data collection methods. Our unified solution ensures centralized, synchronized data across platforms, reducing complexities for engineering and operations teams. Streamline workflows, eliminate inconsistencies, and gain real-time insights into quality of experience, latency, and system performance.

Product Management

Make informed decisions based on granular, event-level data across a comprehensive view of user interactions and informed by all your marketing, advertising, billing and customer data. Optimize features, personalize content, and refine user journeys like never before.

Finance, Content Production, and Content Licensing

Uncover content engagement patterns with Datazoom's unified data collection. Track user interactions across different platforms and content types, and identify popular segments to curate content libraries, cater to audience preferences, and maximize content value.


Refine user acquistion and retention marketing strategies that correlate your marketing outcomes with actual user and monetization results. See how marketing efforts impact conversions and loyalty. Employ user data to enhance targeting strategies and refine messaging.


Use the Datazoom platform to better track your end-users throughout their journey in your application or streaming video service. This can help identify areas to improve engagement and target content recommendations.

How End-User Journey Tracking Works In the Datazoom DaaS Platform

Use Datazoom’s custom event and metadata scripts, you can track key events that end-users generate as they engage with your website and apps. For example, track the user journey from the moment they land on your website, or login to an app. Understand if they are finding content through menus or searches, and capture what’s entered into a search field. See where they click to next after reading an article, or watching a video.

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