Collect Data From CDNs

CDNs play a vital role in delivering streaming experiences, enabling reliable, scalable delivery of your content to end-users. But correlating how CDNs and clients work together to deliver quality of experience (QoE) is challenging. Collecting server-side data directly from CDN providers and unifying it with client side data is critical to diagnose and resolve QoE issues quickly and avoid them in the future.


Through the Datazoom DaaS Platform, you can aggregate and standardize data from across your CDN delivery architecture to a single data storage location

Understanding Key CDN Metrics and Challenges

Maximizing Quality of Experience (QoE) in the realm of content delivery networks (CDNs) presents a set of intricate challenges that directly impact user satisfaction and cost. The difficulties primarily revolve around the effective use of data for monitoring, analysis, and issue resolution. These challenges include:

Data Accessibility and Availability

CDNs generate vast amounts of valuable data related to content delivery, cache utilization, origin server interactions, and more. However, accessing this data can be a challenge. While some CDNs provide programmable access through APIs or log delivery services, obtaining and maintaining this data often demands ongoing development and engineering resources. When data isn't directly accessible, operational teams might have to rely on CDN-provided dashboards, adding complexity to the monitoring process.

Resource Intensiveness

Processing CDN data for meaningful insights can be resource-intensive. The need to continually monitor and ensure data availability can strain development teams. Additionally, post-processing CDN data—such as standardizing variables across different CDN providers—can impose significant costs and latency on dashboards and analysis efforts, hindering efficient issue identification.

Diverse CDN Networks

CDNs operate diverse networks with distinct peering agreements, caching strategies, and delivery mechanisms. Employing multiple CDNs can enhance content delivery reliability by distributing load, but this multi-network approach complicates data collection. Organizations must allocate resources—both in terms of capital and personnel—to effectively gather data from various services and address data silos.

Non-Standardized Data

Each CDN employs its own terminology, metrics, and measurement practices. Consequently, data collected for user requests can lack standardization across CDNs. The utilization of multiple CDNs further exacerbates this challenge, as data points and values may not be directly comparable. Achieving a comprehensive view of CDN performance necessitates a standardized approach to data across all providers, a task that can be intricate and time-consuming.

Latency and Analysis

When data must undergo post-processing or transformation to align with standardized measures, it introduces latency into the analytics process. Delayed data availability can hinder rapid issue resolution and impact real-time decision-making.

Operational Costs

Maximizing QoE by harnessing CDN data often comes with associated operational costs. Resources are required to manage data collection, integration, and analysis. The ongoing expenses, in terms of both technology and human resources, can strain operational budgets.


Through the Datazoom DaaS Platform, you can get the CDN data you need to the tools you use

Datazoom Integrates CDN Data Seamlessly

Datazoom addresses the challenges associated with integrating and correlating CDN data with data collected from webpages and applications to enable maximal Quality of Experience (QoE) and streamline operational costs for content publishers.

Seamless Data Integration and Correlation for Enhanced QoE

Standardized, event-level, integrated data collection from diverse CDNs and applications, automating the capture of standardized metrics through its collectors to streamline operations and enhance QoE analysis.

Real-time Data Delivery

Datazoom’s platform facilitates real-time data delivery to visualization and analytics tools. By minimizing latency in data availability, content publishers can swiftly identify and resolve performance issues, optimizing QoE for viewers. Rapid access to correlated data from CDNs and webpages/applications enhances the precision of troubleshooting efforts.

Cost-efficient Insights

By automating data collection, standardizing metrics, and enabling efficient correlation, Datazoom reduces the upfront and operational costs associated with data integration and analysis. The platform streamlines the data pipeline, allowing content publishers to focus resources on deriving insights from the collected data rather than managing complex data integration processes.

Visualization and Analysis

Datazoom’s platform supports seamless integration with popular visualization tools with pre-built templates that combine CDN data, player data, and other relevant metrics.


Datazoom’s platform is built to scale, accommodating fluctuations in data volume and load. Whether facing spikes in viewer traffic or CDN interactions, the platform maintains data consistency and integrity, ensuring reliable monitoring and analysis without compromising performance.

Key CDN Metrics

Below are some of the common metrics that are useful for monitoring CDNs which can be captured through the Datazoom DaaS Platform:


Learn about supported CDNs that Datazoom DaaS Platform users can drop into their data pipes for automated data collection.

Supported CDNs

There are many CDNs which content owners may use to help deliver their content. Datazoom provides a data collector for a number of the world’s most popular CDNs:


We are constantly evaluating new CDN collectors to add to our growing library.

Have An Idea For a New CDN Collector? Drop Us A Line Below!

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