From Streaming Analytics to Advanced Observability

Many streaming providers don’t understand the difference between analytics and observability. In the former, you are just looking at the raw data. In the later, you are seeing insightful relationships and correlations between data sets. In this whitepaper, you’ll learn how to implement the observability you need to chase down root-cause issues and provide a truly exceptional viewing experience.

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Your Guide to Getting Ahead While Others Fall Behind​

The streaming video industry is moving from its infancy to a new phase of its development which can best be described as “the awkward teenage years”. And, while technology and knowledge about streaming video has advanced dramatically over the last twenty years, the fundamental challenges of observability and mastery of the end-user experience remain elusive. This lack of mastery can negatively impact viewer satisfaction and retention over time, hindering business growth.

This paper examines the state of streaming video observability, delves into the observability challenges which plague streaming operators, and articulates a set of innovative solutions which can help address those obstacles. More specifically, this whitepaper proposes a vision for advanced streaming video observability and an integrated platform approach designed to support that vision.

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